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Federal court jobs in virginia Form: What You Should Know

Court Jobs, Employment in Virginia 14 Court jobs available in Virginia on Indeed.com.

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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Federal court jobs in virginia

Instructions and Help about Federal court jobs in virginia

Mr. President, I was heartened by the dialogue between Senators Reid and McConnell this morning, talking about more bipartisan cooperation and civility to deal with important issues. I would also like to commend the Republican leader for addressing the equally important issue of judicial nominations. It is no secret that the Senate's process for considering nominations has deteriorated under the Obama administration due to resistance from the Republican side. However, it is a long-standing tradition in America for the President to fill vacancies on the federal courts with the consent of the Senate. Unfortunately, we currently have 19 judicial nominees pending on the Senate floor. Fourteen of these nominees were reported from the Judiciary Committee last year, some of them as far back as October. They have been sitting here for months. Seventeen of the nominees were reported out of committee with broad bipartisan support, and twelve of them were supported by their Republican home state senators. Yet, these nominees with no controversy and widespread bipartisan approval are being held up on the Senate calendar without approval. The reason for this delay is fairly clear. It is part of a strategy to hold up judicial nominees for as long as possible, using the so-called Thurmond rule as an excuse. This rule, named after Senator Strom Thurmond of South Carolina, suggests that the Senate should stop approving judicial nominees during the depths of a presidential campaign. However, there is nothing in the rules or the Constitution that requires this, and exceptions have been made in the past. What we are witnessing now is an effort by Republicans to intentionally delay or block judicial nominees in hopes that these vacancies will remain open throughout the entire calendar year. If they have their way, a Republican president will fill these vacancies with new nominees. This strategy...