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Court employment Form: What You Should Know

Federal Judicial Branch (BC — Alberta) Dec 1, 2025 – Dec 31, 2023 Federal Court Clerk in BC — Gov.bc.ca The application is for a permanent, full-time court clerk in the Federal Court of Canada from any level in BC government. The application includes the following: ​An original completed, sworn, statutory declaration of intent signed by at least one person. If more than one clerk is going to be serving on the court, the court clerk should provide the signatures of the persons who will be serving. ​Documents on which a sworn statement of the applicant is based. (e.g. Pay stubs, CPP/HIP/tax records) ​A copy of the person's permanent residency certificate. If you are applying for an appointment to fill a vacancy within a court, we need all references for the person to be able to compare your documentation with the current judicial pool. ​All information for all applicants must be entered correctly. All records used to check that information must be valid at the time of application date. The application document should be stamped “Application for CCC Office Position for Summer 2019” and cannot be returned for any reason. The fee for this application is 1,450.00 (includes GST). Applicants should pay this amount before Dec 1, 2019. We will not accept this application form from applicants until after Dec 1, 2019. The applicant must be over the age of 18, have completed a minimum of 12 months of university-based law study, and have been at least 18 years old for a continuous period of less than 12 months prior to application date. If applying for a temporary assignment, we require the following to accompany the application: ​Original Certificate of Eligibility from the Province or Territory that issued the Permanent Resident Card ​Copy of medical clearance card stating that the applicant is medically qualified to apply for a temporary appointment. ​If applying for a temporary assignment and are required to appear before a Federal Human Rights Tribunal, the applicant should include a copy of a Temporary Residence Permit. ​If applying to fill a vacancy within a court and are applying for a temporary assignment, we need at least four references, as follows: ​Applicants holding positions in the Provincial, Territorial, Local, or Municipal Courts may present any document (including a copy of a Temporary Residence Permit) at the time of appointment.

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